10 thoughts on “A Guide to the”

  1. Happy New Year Darryn, I just saw the fireworks display for Sydney on youtube, pretty spectacular. The wife and I wanted to retire “down under,” but immigration laws are pretty strict, so we may plan our 50th wedding anniversary that way.
    I wanted to thank you for all your help and videos, especially our last correspondence. In addition to your outstanding videos and website postings, the names of the other book binders and other links were extremely helpful, like my treasure box of books that are broken from my local book store, I am hoping to pick up speed in 2020.
    My personal email is below but I also use my LZ129 Brazil mostly on youtube. So once again, Thanks and Happy New Year and “so say all of us”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello there !
    Say I want to make a wooden book cover (like for the sawn coptic method), in which direction should the grain of the wood be ?

    If the grain is vertical, I fear the stress on the sawn part will make is split vertically along the holes for sawing. If the grain is horizontal, then if the distance between the holes for sawing and the border of the wood seems to become critical as there is not much wood supporting it.
    (or maybe wood is more solid than cardboard and I’m worrying for nothing, and both grain direction is okay ?)


  3. Dear Darryn,
    Thank you so much for your inspirational videos and what you are doing to, as I see it, encourage more people to take up the craft. One of the big problems we face in the UK is getting young people to take up bookbinding. Your approach, which is down to earth and practical, is just what is needed: straight forward without the over complication and obfuscation that is so off-putting to beginners.
    I really enjoyed the spring back binding tutorial and your recent edge guilding video.
    Kind regards
    Clive Owen


  4. Hi Darryn. I’ve really been enjoying your videos over the last week or so and am looking forward to expanding my repertoire. I mostly do repairs here in Toronto, started about the same time you did, and remain an amateur as well. Keep up the good work–you’ve produced a great resource and presented it in a very companionable way.


  5. Hi Darryn! Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge. I’ve really appreciated the time you took to show us the techniques for book binding. I am in the process of preparing to do my first one and I am really excited. Kind regards directly from Puerto Rico.


  6. I just wanted to say thank you for your videos on turning paperbacks into hardbacks. I used your videos to create old-styled books for my niece’s wedding table decorations, without actually destroying books. I couldn’t have done it without your help. Your two videos were extremely easy to follow, and your methods were easily adaptable to other materials and also my complete lack of bookbinding equipment.
    Thank you so very much.


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